

Boyfriend (He/Him) is the protagonist of Bop's Electrification. He sports a gray hat, red jacket, and blue shoes! He's usually seen with Girlfriend as they are inseparable! How cute!

Girlfriend (She/They) is one of the ████████ in Bop's Electrification along with Boyfriend! She sports purple glasses, a jacket, and boots! She's usually seen with Boyfriend but she's very much capable on her own!

One night, Boyfriend and Girlfriend left to go on a cute little date. Boyfriend brought both of them to the ███████ to relax and try and win something for Girlfriend! Upon entering, a familiar face approches them, causing the song you play in ███'s ███████████████ ~ █.█ ██████ ███. At the end, they're given temporary powers which allow them to travel between worlds. Unfortunately, this causes Boyfriend and Girlfriend to be trapped within the ██████ ███████. While trapped they get stalked by █████ whom later kidnaps Girlfriend leaving Boyfriend to fend for himself.


Bop (He/They/It) is the main antagonist (is that how u spell it???) of Bop's Electrification! He's a similar height to Boyfriend and sports a gray hoodie, mask, and blue fingerless gloves. Nobody knows much about him, he lives alone in a now abandoned city, far from people...nobody ever comes and visits besides his few friends, such as Ron and Lil Man. Boyfriend and Girlfriend first encounter Bop in the abandoned city, after he returned from his grocery shopping. They suddenly appeared, startling Bop! Boyfriend challenges him to a rap battle, leading into the events of Bop's Electrification ~ V.S Bop's Week.


Ron (He/Him) is a meme-filled folder sporting pink shades, hoodie, and fingerless gloves! He is an upcoming musician trying to "make it big" in the world. Ron is usually found in alleyways singing to himself (or sometimes a crowd) and has become loved within his small community. His best friends are Bop and Lil Man. He met Bop one day after exploring a bit too far from downtown. Despite Bop finding him annoying at, times they still stay friends to this day. Ron and Lil Man have been friends for as long as they can remember, they both share a house and pay their fair share of rent each month. Continuing the events of BOP'S ELECTRIFICATION ~ V.S BOP'S WEEK, Boyfriend and Girlfriend get kicked out of Bop's ████████ and find themselves facing off against ████ whom later turns out to be Ron! After their rap battles, ███ comes out of nowhere and █████ ███ ██ ███ █████ ███████ him ████ ██ ███ ██████.


Lil Man (They/He) is as his name says, little! They sport a long gray coat with purple stripes on it, gloves, and shoes! He also has a purple heart on their cheek! So cute! But don't let their height confuse you...they're an angry lil man and can beat up anyone in his way. He lives with Ron and has had quite the adventures, such as meeting the people behind █████ (I grew up with those guys whaaat!!). However, they typically spend their days laying on the couch watching television. Lil Man makes his first appearance in Bop's Electrification, facing off against Boyfriend in the ████-minute long song called ██████. Afterwards, he ends up leaving Boyfriend and Girlfriend behind. Unknowingly to him though, they follow him back to his house leading to the events of ███ ███ █ ███████████ ████████ ███.


"THE PLACEHOLDER GUY" (He/Him), is a purple figure, close in height to Ron, wearing purple earmuffs and a coat with the Electrification symbol on it, and as the name suggests he's a placeholder! He made his first appearance back in late 2022 in the update Bop's Halloeen, seen in the background walking. He would later return in ███'s ██████████████ as a ████████ ███████! He wears a smile on his face as he's very friendly and sometimes can be seen with his best pal Dude! Make sure to go give him a high five the next time you pass him!!